Monday, October 14, 2024

Marsh Stomp 2024


Marsh Stomp 2024

Written by Noah Henkenius

Sunrise at Little Harbor Beach

This year’s annual Marsh Stomp took place on October 13th, 2024. We surveyed several sites along Buzzards Bay in hopes of finding Bitterns, Rails, Saltmarsh Sparrows, Nelson's Sparrows, and Seaside Sparrows. Overall the trip was a success, we had good numbers of Nelson’s Sparrows, lingering Saltmarsh Sparrows, a couple of Seaside Sparrows, and a Virginia Rail. 

Nelson's Sparrow

In addition to Marsh Birds, other highlights include a White-eyed Vireo and Yellow-breasted Chat at Egypt Lane Marsh in Fairhaven and Forster's Terns at the Tempest Knob in Wareham.

Yellow-breasted Chat (photo by Brian Vigorito)

Total Species (57)

10 Canada Goose

32 Mallard

23 American Black Duck

8 White-winged Scoter

5 Horned Grebe

5 Rock Pigeon

1 Virginia Rail

10 Semipalmated Plover

15 Greater Yellowlegs

48 Laughing Gull

14 Ring-billed Gull

48 Herring Gull

2 Forster's Tern

2 Common Tern

7 Common Loon

367 Double-crested Cormorant

3 Black-crowned Night Heron

2 Snowy Egret

4 Great Egret

21 Great Blue Heron

1 Cooper's Hawk

1 Red-tailed Hawk

1 Red-bellied Woodpecker

2 Downy Woodpecker

3 Northern Flicker

1 White-eyed Vireo

12 Blue Jay

19 American Crow

5 Black-capped Chickadee

2 Tufted Titmouse

35 Tree Swallow

2 Ruby-crowned Kinglet

1 White-breasted Nuthatch

8 Carolina Wren

7 European Starling

2 Gray Catbird

2 Northern Mockingbird

1 American Robin

8 House Sparrow

9 American Pipit

2 House Finch

2 American Goldfinch

3 White-throated Sparrow

2 Seaside Sparrow

25 Nelson's Sparrow

3 Saltmarsh Sparrow

6 Savannah Sparrow

32 Song Sparrow

2 Swamp Sparrow

1 Yellow-breasted Chat

2 Baltimore Oriole

2 Red-winged Blackbird

1 Common Yellowthroat

5 Palm Warbler

1 Pine Warbler

23 Yellow-rumped Warbler

2 Northern Cardinal

Sites Visited (with eBird checklist)

Egypt Lane Marsh in Fairhaven, MA

Winsegansett Avenue Marsh in Fairhaven, MA

Hacker Street Marsh in Fairhaven, MA

Tempest Knob in Wareham, MA

Little Harbor Beach in Wareham, MA

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