Sunday, May 12, 2024

Harrington 100 May 4, 2024

This year's Harrington 100, an attempt to see or hear 100 or more species north of Boston, was again successful with five birders and myself birding for thirteen hours. Weather and tempatures were birder friendly. However, getting stuck for about a half hour in Lynn construction traffic was not our friend.

Relatively new birder, Mandy Peacock racked up many life birds and was initiated into the traditons of Entenmann's Danish and Peanut Butter cookies.

Over all, it was an evenly passed day, getting a few new birds at each stop. Nahant was relatively quiet, compared to other years, as the winds were not in our favor here.
Last year, we had a small parade of American Woodcocks. This year, we came upon this individual as we pulled into the Hellcat Parking lot on Plum Island.

Birds of note include: Great Horned Owl (8X), Common Raven (8X), American Pipit (3X), Golden-crowned Kinglet (6X), Scarlet Tanager(9X). No new birds this year.
Below is the list of birds seen for the day.
#	NAME                                                      LOCATION	WHEN SEEN	
1	American Robin                                 	          Crooked Pond	5/4/24 4:30 AM	
2	Great Horned Owl                			
3	Chipping Sparrow               			
4	Tree Swallow                    			
5	Swamp Sparrow                   			
6	Song Sparrow                    			
7	Black-capped Chickadee          			
8	Tufted Titmouse                 			
9	Red-winged Blackbird            			
10	Pine Warbler                   			
11	Wood Thrush                    			
12	Brown Creeper                   			
13	Wood Duck                      			
14	Ruby-crowned Kinglet           			
15	Eastern Bluebird                			
16	Blue Jay                       			
17	Common Grackle                  			
18	Barred Owl                       			
19	American Crow                   			
20	White-breasted Nuthatch         			
21	Red-bellied Woodpecker          			
22	Northern Cardinal               			
23	Carolina Wren                   			
24	Great Crested Flycatcher        			
25	Northern Flicker               			
26	Black-and-white Warbler         			
27	Ovenbird                        			
28	Common Raven                    			
29	Gray Catbird                    			
30	Brown-headed Cowbird            			
31	Great Blue Heron                			
32	Eastern Kingbird               			
33	Pileated Woodpecker             			
34	Common Yellowthroat             			
35	Blue-gray Gnatcatcher           			
36	Yellow-rumped Warbler           			
37	American Goldfinch              			
38	Belted Kingfisher               			
39	Ring-necked Duck                			
40	Scarlet Tanager                 			
41	Golden-crowned Kinglet          			
42	Black-throated Green Warbler    			
43	Red-breasted Nuthatch          			
44	Eastern Phoebe                  			
45	Louisiana Waterthrush          			
46	Broad-winged Hawk               			
47	Common Loon                                      	Crooked Pond	5/4/24 6:47 AM	
48	Rock Pigeon                                         	Route 128	5/5/24 6:50 AM	
49	European Starling              			
50	Red-tailed Hawk                               			
51	Osprey                                        			
52	Chimney Swift                                       	Route 128	5/4/24 7:01 AM	
53	Northern Rough-winged Swallow                 	        Lynnfield Marsh	5/4/24 7:04 AM	
54	Fish Crow                        			
55	Canada Goose                     			
56	Mute Swan                       			
57	Virginia Rail                    			
58	Yellow Warbler                   			
59	Warbling Vireo                   			
60	Killdeer                         			
61	Herring Gull                     			
62	Downy Woodpecker               			
63	Mourning Dove                    			
64	Northern Mockingbird             			
65	Barn Swallow                    			
66	American Pipit                   			
67	Double-crested Cormorant         			
68	House Finch                     			
69	Bald Eagle                       			
70	House Sparrow                                	        Lynnfield Marsh 5/4/24 8:05 AM	
71	Northern Parula                                     	Lynnfield	5/4/24 8:22 AM	
72	Sharp-shinned Hawk              			
73	Baltimore Oriole                 			
74	Mallard                           			
75	Wild Turkey                      	   Puritan Lawn Memorial Park 	5/4/24 8:51 AM	
76	Palm Warbler                     			
77	House Wren                         	   Puritan Lawn Memorial Park	5/4/24 9:25 AM	
78	Surf Scoter                                            	Lynn	        5/4/24 9:20 AM	
79	Long-tailed Duck                 			
80	White-winged Scoter              			
81	Black Scoter                     			
82	Greater Scaup                    			
83	Common Eider                      			
84	Red-breasted Merganser             			
85	Brant                          			
86	Great Black-backed Gull        			
87	Ring-billed Gull                 			
88	Red-throated Loon              			
89	Horned Grebe                     			
90	Bufflehead                       			
91	Common Tern                      			
92	Peregrine Falcon                 			
93	Dunlin                          			
94	Sanderling                                          	Lynn	       5/4/24 10:54 AM	
95	Black-throated Blue Warbler               	        Nahant	       5/4/24 11:30 AM	
96	Blue-headed Vireo                 			
97	Rose-breasted Grosbeak            			
98	White-throated Sparrow            			
99	Cedar Waxwing                     			
100	Great Cormorant                                      	Nahant	       5/4/24 12:20 PM	
101	Turkey Vulture                                     	Topsfield      5/4/24 1:30 PM	
102	Lesser Yellowlegs                     	       Topsfield Fairgrounds   5/4/24 1:34 PM	
103	Greater Yellowlegs                			
104	Spotted Sandpiper                 			
105	Least Sandpiper                    			
106	Green-winged Teal                                    	Rowley	       5/4/24 2:18 PM	
107	Glossy Ibis                    			
108	Snowy Egret                       			
109	Bobolink                            			
110	Great Egret                                     	Plum Island    5/4/24 2:30 PM	
111	Eastern Towhee                    			
112	American Black Duck               			
113	Northern Harrier                 			
114	Willet                            			
115	American Redstart               			
116	Nashville Warbler                  			
117	American Woodcock                 			
118	Chestnut-sided Warbler            			
119	Brown Thrasher                     			
120	Marsh Wren                       			
121	Northern Shoveler                 			
122	Gadwall                           			
123	Purple Finch                        			
124	American Coot                     			
125	Northern Gannet                   			
126	Piping Plover                                    	Plum Island    5/4/24 4:16 PM	
127	Ruddy Duck                                  	      Cherry Hill Res. 5/4/24 5:00 PM	
128	Pied-billed Grebe                 			
129	Cliff Swallow                    			
130	Bank Swallow                       			
131	Solitary Sandpiper                               	West Newbury   5/4/24 5:15 PM	


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