Friday, April 30, 2021

SSBC Social Distancing Virtual "Walk" - April 24th, 2021

 Note: To those who are unfamiliar, these social distancing “walks” are not in-person walks but rather a group chat where members share their experiences for the morning and stay connected. South Shore Bird Club is strict about (and very impressed by its members) adhering to social distancing guidelines, which includes avoiding populated areas, large groups, and close social interaction. We fully support members enjoying the healing and mindfulness that nature can provide and want to foster a social environment for those who may feel isolated-these walks are intended to achieve both of these goals with safety at the forefront of our mission.

On what had to be the nicest day of the year thus far SSBC hosted another spring Social Distancing Virtual “walk”. On a personal note, I was unwell from my second COVID vaccine, so the birding I did for the day was all vicarious through the group! Unfortunate timing but one step closer to normalcy, baby!

Kathy was out early and was first to update with some new arrivals like Broad-winged Hawks, Palm Warblers and Ruby-crowned Kinglets at Triphammer Pond. Glenn also kept us up to date on his swallow ventures, with barn, tree, and bank first thing in the morning and slightly later filling us in that he almost had the coveted swallow sweep at Cherry Hill after also seeing Cave Swallow, Purple Martin, and Northern Rough-winged Swallows. Just one Cliff away!

Conor was out early at Squaw Rock when he found an Eastern Towhee, and Vin continued to make us all envious of his grebe observations seeing two in courtship display (!!!).  A new favorite since they’ve moved away have been Steven and Christine’s updates to their birds in Switzerland but just as cool is hearing one of their local haunts is called “Klingnauer Stausee”. Christine commented how fun it was for them to hear what we were seeing in their old haunts, and it’s hard to say who is having more fun hearing about the other’s sightings. Only in writing this (likely because I was mid-fever dream when they sent it to the Groupme) did I realize one of the pictures they had sent that made me envious of where they were was on their deck!

The Whitebreads' deck! photo by Christine

Lynn updated us with her patch, the SE Mass Bioreserve, with Spotted Sandpipers, Northern Waterthrushes, Black-and-white Warblers, Yellow Warblers, Pine Warblers, towhees, and House and Winter Wrens singing. Always great to hear about from the person that knows the area best! Carol traveled a bit from home and explored the Cape, sending us an update to some of the improvements they’ve made to the trails at Pogorelc Sanctuary as well as a handsome coyote they saw at the Chatham Airport.

Boardwalk at Pogorelc by Carol

Eastern coyote by Carol

All in all another great day and so grateful for all those that kept us updated while I was stuck at home on the couch! This weekend we will be hosting the GroupMe along with iNaturalist(/SSBC’s) bioblitz event, really looking forward to all the plants and other critters people will have to share!


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